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Tips and Tricks!


- You must be in a guild to attack Darknests!

- Darknests can only be attacked by rallies (with at least 2 participants). You can set your rally time for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, and 8 hours. This time determines how long your guildmates have to send their troops to you.

- Scouting/attacking a Darknest will not disable your Shield or activate Battle Fury.

- Win to eliminate the Darknest and get a Dark Essence. If you fail, the Darknest will return to normal.

- When there's still space in your Infirmary and the Sanctuary, you won't lose troops in Darknest attacks. 1% of the troops that were injured or died during the attack on the Darknest will be sent to the Infirmary. The rest will return to your Turf safely.



Attack Guide


1. Levels

There are 5 Darknest levels (Lv 1-5), and 25 Dark Essence levels, and 5 Dark Essence Grades (Common/White, Uncommon/Green, Rare/Blue, Epic/Purple, and Gold/Legendary)



2. Darknest Locations:

- Lv 1 Darknests can be found in Lv 1, 2, 3 areas

- Lv 2 Darknests can be found in Lv 1, 2, 3, 4 areas

- Lv 3 Darknests can be found in Lv 1, 2, 3, 4 areas

- Lv 4 Darknests can be found in Lv 2, 3, 4 areas

- Lv 5 Darknests can be found in Lv 3, 4, 5 areas


3. Darknest troops and formations:

Troops and formations in Darknests are randomly generated. This will be set once they spawn on the map; they will not change once attacked.


4. Defending Leaders

Darknests have Infantry, Cavalry, Ranged, and Siege Engine Leaders. If you scout a Darknest and discover that it does not have Leaders of a certain troop type, that particular troop type will not be present.


Infantry Leaders: 



Cavalry Leaders: 



Ranged Leaders:



Siege Engine Leaders: 



5. Observing and Scouting Darknests

- First take a look at the Darknest Leader. This indicates that the troop type they lead will probably be in the Darknest. If you do not wish to fight against this troop type, save your time and do not scout the Darknest.



- Scouting the Darknest:



- If you encounter Darknests with Anti-Scout active, try guessing the troop types from the Darknest Leader, and send out the troop type that counters it.



- The first thing of note on the scouting report is the Dark Essence level, as this determines the difficulty level of the Darknest (Dark Essence level is the most important factor, not troop quantity or type).

Secondly, look at the leaders and troops, determine the main troop type of the Darknest, and send out the troop type that counters it.

e.g. The scouting report shows that the Darknest has 1M Infantry troops, 200K Ranged troops, but has 2 Infantry Leaders and 3 Ranged Leaders. Although there are more Infantry troops, there are only 2 Leaders providing Infantry boosts, and Ranged troops will have higher damage output.


6. If a Darknest is only made up of one troop type:

Follow the counter chart (Infantry counters Ranged, Ranged counters Cavalry, Cavalry counters Infantry), and send out an army consisting of the troop type that counters the Darknest, along with 4 Heroes that will boost that troop type. No Siege Engines are needed.

If this fails, check to see if you can add more troop boosts. Sending Siege Engines will not work.

Try to deploy Heroes that only increase attributes of that troop type, and not those with army boosts.

e.g. Child of Light’s boosts (+30% Cavalry ATK, +50% Cavalry HP) is better for a Cavalry army compared to Songstress of the Sea (+20% Army ATK, +25% Army HP, +25% Army DEF)




7. Darknests have 2 or 3 troop types.

For Lv 4 and below Darknests:

Analyze the troop and leader composition found in the Darknest and send an army consisting of the 2 troop types that counter them.


e.g. The Darknest has 2M Cavalry troops, 500K Ranged troops, 3 Cavalry Leaders, and 2 Ranged Leaders.

Send out 4 Ranged Heroes and 1 Infantry Hero, or 3 Ranged Heroes and 2 Infantry Heroes, along with the corresponding troops according to the chosen ratio. Use an army lineup that positions your Ranged units in the front.


For Lv 5 Darknests:

The strategy detailed above should work as well, though we suggest sending out an army consisting only of one troop type (based on the counter chart) to increase your chances at victory.


Tip: If you only use Ranged troops (or your Infantry and Cavalry troops die before the Wall is breached, leaving you with only Ranged troops), enemy troops will have to charge to attack your troops and will go into the Infantry Phalanx lineup. If your enemies are made up of Ranged and Cavalry troops, the Cavalry troops will charge forward in the front lines, which will increase your success rate.